

* Welcome to Kenichiro's web page ! [#gec45cf4]

Kenichiro Umezu (Dr. Mathematics) &br;

Professor of Department of Mathematics, Ibaraki University
// &br;
//Faculty of Education &br;
//Ibaraki University &br;
//Mito 310-8512, Japan

Postal Address: College of Education, Ibaraki University, Mito 310-8512, Japan

E-mail: &ref(FrontPage/emailaddr.png,nolink,95%);
*** Research fields and interests [#qb172a4a]
- Math
- Analysis
- Nonlinear PDE, Nonlinear EBVP 
- Logistic diffusive equations
- Bifurcation
- Sub and supersolutions
- Variational approach
- Topological method 
- Positive solutions
- Solution components
- Nonlinear boundary conditions
- Concave-convex nonlinearity
- Asymptotic profile of solutions
- Population dynamics


** [[About]] [#wfe7617a]

//** [[Research Interests:http://umeken.sakura.ne.jp/ibrk-u/research/research12_0112.html]] [#wa1e9b8a]

//** List of  Publications [#l3390740]
//- [[Papers:https://info.ibaraki.ac.jp/Profiles/17/0001645/theses_e1.html]] 

** [[Papers:https://researchmap.jp/read0051534/published_papers?lang=en]] [#q3eb6e2f]

** [[MathSciNet for K.Umezu:http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/author.html?mrauthid=316996]] [#lbd48e3a]

** [[Presentations:https://researchmap.jp/read0051534/presentations]] [#mb4ced53]

//** [[講演リスト]] (List of talk presentations) [#s5d65b6e]

//** [[マイフェイバリット]] (My favorite) [#j17c484a]

RIGHT:今日のアクセス数 &counter(today);
RIGHT:昨日のアクセス数 &counter(yesterday);
RIGHT:総アクセス数 &counter(total);